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Our Member

Being an internet based club, not all our members can meet for our work on Club Projects. To improve our own habitats, this can start in our our neighbourhood by involving firstly people who live in our street to work together and then expand  the new community network. These are just a few examples we can do individually.

"Individual efforts when well directed can accomplish much, but the greatest good must necessarily come from the combined efforts of many. Individual efforts may be turned to individual needs but combined effort should be dedicated to the service of mankind. The power of combined effort knows no limitation." .

Street Library

We will support members and friends who decide to start a street library, books are made to be reusable, form a book club and encourage reading 



Community compost makes it easy for Australians to build greener, healthier, more resilient communities. Do this by inspiring them to nurture their soil to grow lush green gardens and delicious organic food, even in apartments ask the body corporate. It is estimate nearly half of what we throw out is compostable


Bee Hives

Join a local beehive club and learn all about honey production with either native bees or European bees, the results are wonderful and the impact on pollination of plants and trees is good bio diversity building


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